Saturday, February 9, 2008

Leaving alone

After getting relieved from the current job and joined in the new one, those people are behind me like anything before I joined them, now I am behind them to get me out of this bloody situation in my life.

I never be this alone in my whole life (10187, so far), all these days/hours never been so huge in my life but from these seven or eight days which I've spent is the longest hours/days/seconds in my whole life.

Wake up early in the morning which I used to do when I go to office (now on bench, still stuck with the same habit, hard to change) donno what to do, looking for friends who are online but all will be busy with their work and life(everybody has their own life to live, so not to interfere).

In fact I could've used this time lot better, but as usual I failed to use the time in appropriate manner (one of biggest flaws in my life so far :(, need to come out of it very badly, its big time to do that).

I really donno what I've done for all these 7 or 8 days but days flew away, I didn't even used at least one day appropriately, but that's how life goes dude, I could've done lot of things in these 7 or 8 days instead of placing my useless butt in front of 23" color box and keeping bloody remote control which can take away the precious time of your life from you, you know all these things but still you are help less, whom else you can blame here other than the yourself.

Ya I can say I had some rest after those stress full days, but I really don't want this type of rest again in my life.

Rest in my view, should be spend time with friends, family your loved ones and having fun not sitting idle in the home and place your useless butt in front of TV.

So my holy loving GOD, if at all you give me rest please give me the rest which defined in my view, thanking you very very much.

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